Hey Kids!
- You're alone at home...
- Maybe you can't reach Mom or Dad...
- Maybe you're lonely or scared...
- Maybe you feel like talking to a friend...
- Maybe you hear a strange noise or you see a stranger on your street...
When you need somebody, Call Phone Friend! 756-1997 or 1-888-723-3225.
Phone Friend is a 24-hour warmline for latchkey children, or children left alone without adult supervision. Informational flyers are distributed to the 30,000 plus elementary school students in Washington and Benton Counties in Arkansas.
For the Kids
- PhoneFriend is for when you're home after school and you can't reach your Mom or Dad...
- Maybe you're lonely or scared...
- Maybe you feel like to talking to a friend...
- Maybe you hear a strange noise or you see a stranger on your street...
For the Parents
The PhoneFriend Helpline is a community service operated by the Crisis Intervention Center 24 hours a day. PhoneFriend is a supplement to your familiy's emergency procedures and is NOT meant to replace other emergency numbers such as fire or police.
Some Facts About PhoneFriend
- PhoneFriend, a telephone helpline for children grades K-4, is a service of the Northwest Arkansas Crisis Intervention Center. The helpline serves the nearly 30,000 elementary school children in Washington and Benton Counties 24-hours-a-day utilizing trained volunteers.
- PhoneFriend provides information and support to children when they are at home without adult supervision.
- PhoneFriend has the support of Washington and Benton County school districts, local police and fire departments.
- PhoneFriend volunteers are trained to:
- Provide a friendly listening ear to children who are lonely, afraid, or just want to talk.
- Provide information (i.e., what to do about minor accidents, wet clothing, books forgotten at school, etc.).
- Give directions or instructions for emergency situations and call for emergency help as needed.
- PhoneFriend volunteers are trained in communication skills emphasizing empathetic listening, and are equipped with problem and referral indexes. PhoneFriend volunteers are supportive and comforting to children.
- PhoneFriend volunteers support your household rules by asking: "What would your parents want you to do in this situation?"
- PhoneFriend respects confidentiality. The child is asked first name, school and age for data collection purposes. The child’s phone number is requested only if the volunteer believes the child is in immediate danger.
- PhoneFriend volunteers are trained to deal with problem situations. The volunteers’ main role is to listen and provide support for the children until the parents return.
- PhoneFriend is for your child, whether regularly at home alone, or only occasionally.