Northwest Arkansas Crisis Center
P.O. Box 1618 • Springdale, Arkansas 72765-1618
(501) 756-1995 Business Office • (501) 756-2338 Fax


General Information
Prevention Services
Special Events
Discussion Board



The Crisis Hotline is available 24 hours a day for persons in crisis, which may include:

  • Suicide

  • Depression

  • Loneliness

  • Substance Abuse

  • Relationship Problems

  • Divorce

  • Financial Difficulty

  • Physical or Emotional Abuse

  • AIDS

  • Rape

  • Any other problem which may lessen a person's ability to cope


Available 24 hours a day for persons needing information on where to get help. Current information is provided for assistance with basic needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, utility bills, counselors, assistance with medical and dental care.

Need Someone to Talk To?

For far too many people, the “Golden Years” don’t last or don’t happen at all. Leisurely days of retirement are replaced by endless days of loneliness, isolation and depression. Medical problems tap fixed incomes. Physical changes affect driving, hobbies, even taking care of yourself. Children, grown and now busy with their own families, leave an empty house and a lonely heart. We begin to lose our friends and companions. 
Wouldn’t it help to have someone to talk to — someone who would really listen and take the time to understand and talk with you?

That's exactly why we're here!

The NWA Crisis Intervention Center provides trained volunteers 24 hours a day to:

  • Listen to whatever you have to say about anything that’s going on or anything you’re worried about.

  • Help you think through a problem or situation.

  • Provide resources and options specific to your circumstances.

  • Connect you with people who really care about you!

756-2337 or

Toll-free from anywhere 
in Arkansas.

Quietly Working on Your Behalf

“I hate to think about what would have happened if I hadn’t called you tonight.”

“You’re an angel! I don’t know who you are, but you are an angel to me!”

“Thank you and God bless you for the service you’re providing.”

Our Promise:

All hotline workers are trained and supervised.

All calls are confidential and can be anonymous. 

We do not use Caller ID.

©2001 Northwest Arkansas Crisis Center.